welcome to Khushiyaan Pre-School & Day Care

let's become more creative with Khushiyaan

Learning with fun & Happiness..

study, playing and explore

A magical place to share, learn, & grow

A Place to Learn with fun & Happiness..

we at Khushiyaan Pre-School & Day Care have been pioneering the education sector with innovative play-way methods of learning for your child. We are not just an institution for playschool children where their strong academic foundation is laid; we are an absolute promise for your child’s bright future, holistic & Overall development.

our classes

Happy childhood memories start here


play Based Learning

A play-based learning environment empowers talking, reading, writing, and thinking.
Through this, your child sees proficiency and numeracy as part of their ordinary experience.
Play along with them and you will be astounded at what you can learn together.

Shapes Match

Little children are captivated by the assortment of shapes in their environment as they investigate it, from the square pieces they play with to the circular sun in the sky.
In truth, recognizing shapes is more than fair recognizing circles, triangles, and squares.
It acts as an establishment for more complex thoughts in math, science, and expressions.

Color Match

Children can generally sort into colors before they can identify the colors name.
it helps memory skills to understand and categorise colors.

our services

we gave the best for your child

healthy food

We Make meals, give regularly scheduled snacks.

Full Day Session

Khushiyaan offers full-day and extended daycare facility for children between the ages of 14 months to 10 years.

Language Lessons

supports their cognitive development, improves their creativity, builds their language skills, and helps improve their concentration and problem-solving skills.

Qualified Teachers

Our Teachers have strong classroom management skills and they create a safe and positive learning environment for students.

Special Education

we are educating students in a way that accommodates their individual differences and special needs.

Safe & Secure Environment

All Classrooms & Corner are secured with CCTV

why choose us ?

Making a difference, one child at a time

At Khushiyaan Pre-School & Day Care, the child is at the centre of everything we do. We believe that all children have a unique & new potential that needs to be encouraged and channeled so that learning is continuous and lifelong


what they say about us ?

Testimonials are important for every school because they can help us improve our reputation and provide valuable information to prospective parents and others.

Mr. Manish & Garima Arora Parents of Krisha Arora, Play Group

Khushiyaan is an excellent place for pre school kids rather a heaven. You are a brilliant teacher and Krisha loves you. We highly admire your hard work and the love you give to children while making them learn.

Mr. Chirag & Somya Agrawal Parents of Aviraj Agarwal

‘’It takes a big heart to shape little minds.'' Khushiyaan Pre School & Day Care Rishikesh New and best in town for your kids❤️ Go & Let your kids Play, Learn and Grow with them😊🙌

Mr. Krishna Pratap Singh Father of Kavya Pratap Singh

My daughter Kavya had a fantastic time in Khushiyaan. The school staff is extremely helpful and humble, and they are always available to both the students and their parents.

Dr. Shankar Dev Uniyal Grandfather of Adwait Uniyal

Khushiyaan preschool & Day Care संस्थान छोटे बच्चों के लिए एक आदर्श विद्या मंदिर है. यहां पर शिक्षा के साथ साथ संस्कार भी वातसल्यपूर्ण वातावरण में सिखाये जाते हैं. मेरा दूसरे वर्ष में चल रहा पोता अद्वैत पहले इस स्कूल में जाने के लिए रोया करता था. परंतु अब बहुत ख़ुशी से जाता है. यह सब स्कूल स्टॉफ की मेहनत का परिणाम है. सामान्य शिस्टाचार को वह भली भांति समझने लगा है. डा. एस. डी. उनियाल (से. नि. निदेशक चिकि. स्वास्थ्य. एवं परि. कल्याण उत्तराखंड.)

Mr. Ranjan Anthwal Father of Ayansh Anthwal

Khushiyaan Pre-School is a very outstanding Play School!!The teachers here are very nice, they take every kid as their own kid. My Son spent a happy time here. In Khushiyaan he got to know what is ‘love’, what is ‘kindness’ and how to get involved in the strange environment.

pricing plans

Early development is fundamental to the growth of your child

You can choose as per your Requirements, You can also plan for “Emergency Day Care” for a Day & Hourly Basis.

Play Group


Good for child 2-3 years old

our preschool Khushiyaan shines through passion, purpose, and commitment to excellence in preschool curriculum and education.

After School Care
(Half DaY)


Good for parents who are working. (14 M+)

Khushiyaan After School Enrichment and Care Program is structured with various activities where children can continue exploring, learning, playing, and growing.

Full Day Care


Good for parents who are working out of city. (14 M+)

Khushiyaan offers full-day and extended daycare facility for children between the ages of 14 months to 10 years.

get in touch

Reliable care for your precious little ones!

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