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We have designed personalized learning journeys for preschool kids that ensure a holistic and engaging educational experience meant exclusively for nurturing their creativity and curiosity.
A play-based learning environment empowers talking, reading, writing, and thinking.
Through this, your child sees proficiency and numeracy as part of their ordinary experience.
Play along with them and you will be astounded at what you can learn together.
Little children are captivated by the assortment of shapes in their environment as they investigate it, from the square pieces they play with to the circular sun in the sky.
In truth, recognizing shapes is more than fair recognizing circles, triangles, and squares.
It acts as an establishment for more complex thoughts in math, science, and expressions.
Children can generally sort into colors before they can identify the colors name.
it helps memory skills to understand and categorise colors.
Two- to four-year-olds are still learning to understand quantity. While they can count up to ten or twenty, they are growing in their understanding of what numbers really mean.
Letter matching activities are a great way to teach children about letters. It’s first step in teaching children all about letter recognition.
Letter matching worksheets and activities help reinforce letter identification and promote early literacy skills
Drawing activities are easy way to engage children creatively in the class. Drawing and painting have many benefits for fostering a child’s development, such as improving eye-hand coordination, honing motor skills, and creating space for creativity and imagination.
Testimonials are important for every school because they can help us improve our reputation and provide valuable information to prospective parents and others.
Khushiyaan preschool & Day Care संस्थान छोटे बच्चों के लिए एक आदर्श विद्या मंदिर है. यहां पर शिक्षा के साथ साथ संस्कार भी वातसल्यपूर्ण वातावरण में सिखाये जाते हैं. मेरा दूसरे वर्ष में चल रहा पोता अद्वैत पहले इस स्कूल में जाने के लिए रोया करता था. परंतु अब बहुत ख़ुशी से जाता है. यह सब स्कूल स्टॉफ की मेहनत का परिणाम है. सामान्य शिस्टाचार को वह भली भांति समझने लगा है. इसमें घर के लोगों के लिए भी जागरूक होने की अपेक्षा की जाती है.... डा. एस. डी. उनियाल (से. नि. निदेशक चिकि. स्वास्थ्य. एवं परि. कल्याण उत्तराखंड.)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut elit tellus.
A Place to Learn with fun & Happiness